Firstly, we completed a research task, before starting our own articles on piracy in the music industry. We looked at facts and statistics of piracy in the music industry, advantages & disadvantages, the effects of the topic, and music artists views and thoughts on the topic. From this i then produced the word based version of my article on piracy. I have completed my draft for my magazine article, discussing piracy in the music industry. i completed this by answering the guideline questions which we were given in class (below). From this i formed the text for my InDesign blog task which i would use in part of my next task.
As part of the rest of the Task, in class we began to start on the layout for our indesign article blog. With this we planned how our article would look roughly by inserting text boxes, page breaks, and blank boxes for how our article would look (Where the title would go, where the text would go, where photos would go, how the article would be sectioned)
I then had to produce my very own blog of a magazine article, based around piracy in the music industry and whether it was destroying it. Prior to this we had completed our own research on Piracy in the music industry in order to get background information on the topic, and for us to form our own opinions of the topic which we would express in the blog, we then had to write about music piracy and use that text in this format to make it a magazine article.

In the next part, we were asked to analyse the production of our InDesign blog article giving feedback on it, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of our productions. From this we were able to understand what we did well, which we could include in our own front cover article. also we learnt of the things which we needed to improve upon.
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